This Week's Activations

Fresh games, new tools and improving processes
every single week...

  • 1

    We've Moved!

    • A Huge Upgrade For You :)

  • 2

    Start Here

    • Welcome to the Magic Music Machine!

    • Your Machine Tracking App [NEW UPDATE: Nov 21st 2022]

    • Create The Music Machine Folders

    • OPTIONAL: Watch this Overview of Magic Music Machine

  • 3

    Session Intro [16 Jan]

    • Welcome & What's New

    • The Best Year of Your Musical Life Free Write

  • 4

    L1 Set Up to Splurge

    • Everything Everywhere All At Once

    • Everything Everywhere All At Once Ep. 2 Playbook (click icon top right for hi-res download)

    • BEFORE SPLURGING: Set Up Your Unique Instrument

    • AFTER SPLURGING: How to Add Splurges to Trello

    • The Listening Error

    • How to Direct Listen

    • Change Your Life With T.I.C.K.

    • The Random Inspiration Finder (use this to get videos for your Splurges)

  • 5

    L2 Discover Freedom

    • Surprising Emotions

    • Surprising eMotions Playbook (click icon top right for hi-res download)

    • Step 1: What Is Discovery? A Simple Explanation...

    • Step 2: How to Process Splurges

    • Step 3: Process Splurges in Trello

    • Step 4: Take Aim With Machine Targeting

  • 6

    L3 Draft With Purpose

    • Show Me The Money

    • Show Me The Money Playbook (click icon top right for hi-res download)

  • 7

    L4 Into the Done Space

    • Gestalt Spaces

    • Gestalt Spaces Playbook (click icon top right for hi-res download)

    • What is "Done" in the Music Machine?

    • How to Know a Piece is DONE

    • Answer these simple questions to make the Release Decision...

  • 8

    L5 Sweet Release

    • Problems Are The Way

    • Problems Are The Way Playbook (click icon top right for hi-res download) [Replay A]

  • 9

    Support & Cancelling

    • Need help?

    • Hear someone struggling to finish quality music?